from advent amico to chinese MID tablet and problems :(

Mar 29, 2012

i am new to android and got my first android phone last month - huawai? or something, the blaze one, very good for £60 on ebay!

then i bought an advent amico which was fine but had no charger and won't charge but then was only £35 on ebay, apart from it couldn't go on the android market which is what i wanted

so i bought a MID tablet (EPAD / APAD) so many of them on ebay i went for one that had android market on the screen on the ad

went to the market, went to youtube, went to skype all say can't connect etc although i can browse the web

first try it couldn't even attach to my gmail account

seller has a note no refunds unless faulty or in 7 days you may a restock charge

i feel ripped off

any ideaS?
