Fully updated android market w/o any root, just drop and install apk, 70-80-1024

I've been following this thread and I too am at the same point as PartsMan. The Market app just opens and closes right away. I try to install the GoogleServicesFramework.apk and I get "Application not installed". I tried the first "fix" I tried to get the zip file from the other thread but when you goto the site they give nothing comes up to download but a download manager.
Why are we all having different affects when we are all doing the same thing?
Since the Market from the other thread is old i tried the new ver 2.2.7. I uninstalled first vendor.apk, marketupdate.apk and leave googleframework. Installed the new version using the installer and reboot. i now have the newer market installed and working no crashes so far.
I find it interesting that the device comes pre-installed with busybox and rooting capability through the ES File Explorer. Of course, it requires that the ROM being run is 1 of 2 specific ROMs according to the application itself but, the fact that it's there suggests nothing extraordinary would be required to achieve root as well as install 3rd party applications/utilities given the proper placement of the required files. Seeing that the system is built on EXT4 FS by default, I can understand why it runs so fast and smooth out of the box.
The 7024 was rooted within a week of becoming available. The problem is there is only a handful of folks working with it and it does seem to be a bit unstable when you start messing with the ROM. It's a matter of time before someone will come up with a custom ROM that will include all of the Google goodies. The trick will be a custom ROM that does not result in a lot of noobe's with bricked tablets.
Thank you for posting this!

Like others, the market closed when launched for me. I fixed this by installing the “GoogleServicesFramework.apk” from the .zip file linked in the other market thread. (http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/coby-generation-2-technical/13565-android-market-7024-a.html).

The Google Services Framework allows you to link a Google account to your tablet. This was also my next problem – my tablet wouldn’t communicate with the Google server. I checked both “Background Data” and “Auto-sync” in Settings > Accounts & sync settings(as per another forum I found while searching for a solution, not positive you actually need to do this), and then restarted my tablet.

After restarting, I was able to create a Google account and access the market. I also successfully downloaded an app from the market.

This worked great minus background data and auto-sync settings (were already checked). Thanks much Vergil and Mkol.
Thank you for posting this!

Like others, the market closed when launched for me. I fixed this by installing the “GoogleServicesFramework.apk” from the .zip file linked in the other market thread. (http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/coby-generation-2-technical/13565-android-market-7024-a.html).

The Google Services Framework allows you to link a Google account to your tablet. This was also my next problem – my tablet wouldn’t communicate with the Google server. I checked both “Background Data” and “Auto-sync” in Settings > Accounts & sync settings(as per another forum I found while searching for a solution, not positive you actually need to do this), and then restarted my tablet.

After restarting, I was able to create a Google account and access the market. I also successfully downloaded an app from the market.

I did it this way and it worked for me! Thanks everyone! the only thing i didnt like about this tablet was the generic app store.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
Thank you for posting this!

Like others, the market closed when launched for me. I fixed this by installing the “GoogleServicesFramework.apk” from the .zip file linked in the other market thread. (http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/coby-generation-2-technical/13565-android-market-7024-a.html).

The Google Services Framework allows you to link a Google account to your tablet. This was also my next problem – my tablet wouldn’t communicate with the Google server. I checked both “Background Data” and “Auto-sync” in Settings > Accounts & sync settings(as per another forum I found while searching for a solution, not positive you actually need to do this), and then restarted my tablet.

After restarting, I was able to create a Google account and access the market. I also successfully downloaded an app from the market.

i installed the GoogleServicesFramework.apk from the zip file like you said. however my wont communicate with the google server with background data and auto sync checked. also googleservicesframework frequently crashes and needs to be force closed. any suggestions? the message i get when i try to link a google account is "can't establish a reliable data connection to the server."
I have followed this thread to a T, this is my 3rd tablet but first Coby. I am no stranger to rooting, apks or modding my tablets. This market technique does not work on this brand new 7024. All the apks install, but like the post i am replying to,. i get Google Framework Services.apk crashes all the time,.. force close warnings for framework services, and i have yet to be able to sync or log into my google account with this tablet. none of the above workarounds with landscape or portrait mode, or going into the sync settings and making sure they both are checked has worked.

thoughts? i have flash 10.2 rocking,.. once i get market,.. this tablet will smoke,. but am i missing something?.. the post says it does not require rooting,.. there must be something different about the people getting results and the ones not. these are about the most remidial intructions i have ever come across for android. i must be doing something dumb wrong.
Works a charm. Have to reboot occasionally if the market has communication issues, but totally worth it!
I had problems with the market and framework services. I found that my time and date kept coming up way wrong. (20 years in the past, etc.) As soon as i set the right date/time... all was well. It happened 2 or 3 times. Has been fine for 2 weeks now.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum
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I had problems with the market and framework services. I found that my time and date kept coming up way wrong. (20 years in the past, etc.) As soon as i set the right date/time... all was well. It happened 2 or 3 times. Has been fine for 2 weeks now.

Sent from my MID7024 using Android Tablet Forum

that was it! as soon as i changed the date it worked! thank you!
I am starting to get google services force close message sous anyone know what the cause is?

I checked date and time and they are correct.

Sent from my EVO 4G using Tapatalk
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I think I've got got it!
I got as far as account setup this time. I'll set it up and try it tonight.

Used a SD micro card and my work desktop to download this time.
I think I was trying to install the whole zipped file before.
Strangely enough, I had the same no communication problem. Checking and unchecking the bowes worked for me. Go figure