G Tablet Recovery Mode Help!


Aug 4, 2011
I have a similar issue. I have TnT Lite on my tablet now and it is working fine with now issues. I want to install the new honeycomb os on my tablet but I can not get into recovery mode.

I get the "Recovery Key Detected" in the upper left corner of the screen while the VS Birds logo is on the screen then it got to the next screen w/ gtablet logo, then a black screen loads with a box and status bar, then NOTHING it resets.

Any ideas?
have you properly installed clockwork? you may need to do the CWM.08 install again
It sounds like you have the stock recovery on your tablet and it's picking up that you have a command file in the Recovery folder and an update.zip on the SD partition.. when you do the recovery button and as soon as the box and bar comes up hit the home button once this should allow you to see what commands the recovery is going through...

Best thing to do, I'd say, is delete the update.zip file that is on your sd card.. and delete the file that is in the Recovery folder using a file manager... then i'd look to puting Clockwork back on it using the method posted in the stickies... then flash away which ever rom you like that'll work for your bootloader version... but with having what sounds like bootloader 1.1 on the tablet i'd suggest Gtabcomb it's to beta3.3... there are seperate versions for bootloader 1.1 and 1.2.. You can find it in the gtab development section on XDA.. I have it installed right now and haven't had any issues other than the facebok app not playing well... though i think there is a fix for it i just haven't taken time to research it... [ROM][BL1.1][BL1.2] GtabComb beta 3.3 (updated 7/27/2011) Gtablet\Zpad T2 - xda-developers

hope this helps
I hit the HOME button and here is what I got (only appeared for a sec but got most of what I could)
"no such file directory
cannot mount sdc2 recovery/command"
How do I find out what bootloader is on my system? I have a lock screen so do i have 1.2?
What ROM are you on? We can tell you from there.

Sent from my Xoom using Android Tablet Forum
The way MOST of the roms for this tablet work are on the premiss that there is an sdcard mem partition that is on the tablet's internal storage that is called the "sdcard" and the external sd referred is to as "SDcard2". There are a few exception though, We can discuss those later if need be.

In my opinion from the info given at hand you have attempted to load clockwork from the wrong mem partition.. you need to delete the Recovery folder and the Update.zip from the internal storage, "sdcard"

Once you've deleted the recovery folder/command file, you can try to reboot into recovery to make sure which bootloader you have... if you have 1.1 the tablet will do the message "recovery button detected" then continue to boot on through to your current rom because there isn't a command file to tell it what to do.... If you have 1.2, when you do the recovery button you'll get the same message but it'll boot on through to a text based recovery managment utility that has blue lettering... from here u can just choose to reboot by scrolling up and down with the vol keys and selecting with the home button.... once you know which bootloader version you have procedeed with install of the proper version of clockwork... if you're on BL1.1 and are gonna use the internal mem partition ,"sdcard", use the version labled "(internal)" on Fuganator's posting.. if you have and external sdcard, "sdcard2", and want to use it use the one labeled "(sdcard)"....

I can't really offer any advice on dealing with BL1.2 and getting Clockwork on it, as i haven't had need to update to it as of yet, but there are posts here and on XDA concerning the matter
I figured it out!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP!!! I download the 'internal' clockwork mod and that worked. I never had an option to download external vs internal before. couldn't have done it with out your help! I'm running Honeycomb without any issues so far!