I successfully loaded CM7 7.03 on my new gtablet. Everything seemed fine. I also used ROM Manager Premium to flash the latest Recovery (after already having used cwm Recovery to load cm7... Turned off the device and came back a while later. All of the widgets I had failed to load!! After trying a reboot. I assumed that the cache might have gotten damaged, so I attempted to boot in to recovery -- that's when I discovered that the device no longer boots to recovery AT ALL. In fact, the Viewsonic Birds screen does not load (it goes straight to the 'A N D R O I D' screen, then CM7's animated load screen.
The 'Detect Recovery Button Pressed' message appears when I try to boot to recovery, but it has no affect - still goed to 'A N D R O I D' then completes the boot normally..
What happened? Did the bootloader get damaged? Better yet: HOW CAN I FIX this? (flame off
The 'Detect Recovery Button Pressed' message appears when I try to boot to recovery, but it has no affect - still goed to 'A N D R O I D' then completes the boot normally..
What happened? Did the bootloader get damaged? Better yet: HOW CAN I FIX this? (flame off