General questions, new to tablets


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2013
Ok new member here. This is my first tablet. Total newbee but not new to PC's. Have a Hisense Sero 7 Pro. Seems like a decent tablet. Has 8 gig internal storage, 1 gig of ram. Iam getting a 32 gb micro sd card for it Thursday. Now I have used the supplied usb cable to copy pictures(jpg) and 2 movies to the internal storage. BUT want to keep at least the movie files on the sd card. So this is were Iam not sure what will happen. I will insert the card with tablet off. Start tablet. Will the tablet then ad folders to the sd card or do nothing to it? If it does nothing and I want to ad movies to my tablet I would guess best way is to remove the sd card and transfer movies files via card reader(I have fast usb 3 card reader) to the root directory of sd card or should I make a folder called movies like on the internal storage of tablet has? But then how do I play those movies? I guess I can use the app I installed to view folders and files on tablet as I tried that with the 2 movies on internal storage now BUT I would prefer I could just go to "Gallery" like I can now and see the thumbnails of picture or movies and play from there, much nicer way to do it BUT can this be done if the movie files are on the sd card. How do I tell the tablet "gallery" to also look at the sd card OR will it do that automatically(kinda doubt it).

Plus when I install an app off the web like a game which some of them are HUGE how do I tell the app to install to the sd card? Or again will the tablet OS know to do this? Oh I have Jellybean 4.2.1

Now I here there is a new version of Jellybean, Can I get this new OS? Is it free? How is this done?

Since this tablet is only 8 gig internal should I back up the entire thing onto one of my PC's hard drives? Any special way this is done?
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Hi dc9mm, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets.

An external MSD, like the one you're getting today, is intended to be used for media files. Apps are automatically installed on the internal storage of the tablet. Creating the card and adding to it using your PC is probably the easiest way. I'd suggest you create folders, so you can find things easier. there's no requirement for the media files to be in the root directory. You'd access the files on the MSD card by tapping them using a file explorer app. Once you access them by tapping, they may automatically be listed in the app used to display them. For example, my book reader now lists the books I have on my MSD card and my movie player knows about the movies on the MSD.

The manufacturer's website would normally be the place to check for Android updates to your tablet.

I'm also moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Thanks for the help.

I installed the 32 gig card today and put a couple pictures in the root directory of the sd card. The Gallery app found them right away. So that works perfectly. Was hoping to be able to put games installed off web onto sd card as some are rather large in size. But at least I can put my movies and pictures onto the sd card. I built my own DVR and have alot of tv shows and movies recorded so I can transfer some of that onto the sd card. I have an event coming up which is real boring and this way I can watch tv while there, lol.