Getting started with the Coby Kyros MID8020 (and possibly others)


Dec 24, 2011
I bought my daughter the Coby Kyros MID8120 for Christmas and spent some time setting things up on it. I had to hunt all over the place for various How-Tos and most of them applied to other Kyros tablets. So I thought I'd do a short write-up on getting the MID8020 up to a decent level.

First get your wifi connected. Next right away you'll want the Android market. I followed the steps here:
( with no problems.

But I was dismayed that so few apps were available. Apparently this model is not included for most apps build properties. So the next step is to fake out the Market by pretending to be another device. This is pretty simple, you just have to edit one text file, but changing that file requires root access. So we need root.

SuperOneClick 2.3.1 worked for me (, note that's a Windows app you install and run while the device is connected via USB. I needed an ADB driver though, as my Vista did not recognize the Kyros. I could not find legit ADB drivers so I did this procedure to override and install the default drivers for it, which worked fine. I followed directions here:

My root seems flakey sometimes though. SU always worked but sometimes I could not mount the /system folder for read-write. Re-running SuperOneClick and picking "Root Shell" seems to have helped. But I could have been tired too.

Once root is gained you can use ES File Explorer to mount the /system folder RW (see root section in ES FE settings). Then you can edit the BUILD.PROP file. Find the line that says "ro.product.device" and change it to say: "ro.product.device=GT-i9020". That's the device code for a Nexus S. Reboot. Then clear the data for Market from inside the Manage Applications section of Settings in Android. Don't forget that part! Start Market and you should see Angry Birds, Astro, etc.

I also tried setting the dpi in the build.prop to 160 (was 200) but wound up setting it back. It made the desktop, keyboard and some other things a little funny looking.

I wanted to give my daughter some movies to play so I picked up Handbrake and converted some AVI files I had to M4V files that are what the Gallery movie player likes. Once that was done I wanted to make icons on the desktop for those movies so I installed Astro. Then when I long press on an empty spot I can choose Astro and select a M4V file directly.

The thing seems laggy so I installed SetCPU and tried to bump up the minimum CPU speed. Dunno if it helped but it might be a bit better. It'll take a new kernel and ROM to really make a difference I bet. Hope someone ports CM7 to this thing.

Not being able to install the YouTube app bugged me so I found a copy of the APK file here ( and copied it to the /system/app folder. Reboot and enjoy.

That's how I'm leaving it for now, hope this helps save some time. Click Thanks if so.
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Hi i follow your instruction and now i have the market and the tablet rooted.
I cant' modify the UILD.PROP file. When I try to close and save it gives me an error "Can't save , close anyway" .
Any suggestion.
Maybe i don't understand the use of "Superuser" . I have the icon on programs. When I open it on the app tab i have no apps ....
As explained in OP, go to your file manager settings (ES File Explorer normally) and enable both root (Superuser app will ask for confirmation) and mount system as RW (read/write), then you will be able to save the file.
i used root explorer to solve the problem.
Maybe the version of ES File Expolorer can't force the mout RW .... even thought Superuser app asked me for confirmation can't mount system as RW