Ainol RULEZ!! Can't wait to show all my friends what a GREAT company they are 
btw. to "show that we're a fan", that means to "like" the page right? I'm "Oh wits" and I'm TOTALLY a fan <hehe>
btw. to "show that we're a fan", that means to "like" the page right? I'm "Oh wits" and I'm TOTALLY a fan <hehe>
We are pleased to announce that China Android tablets store would like to give away a free Ainol Novo 7 Aurora![]()
Rules for this contest are simple: leave a comment on this thread AND be a fan of Androidinabox facebook page. Only one comment per person please. Leaving more than one comment will lead to disqualification.
This contest will end on April 3, 2012 at 12:00pm Central. Good luck to everyone!!