Google account will not sync


Nov 3, 2011
If I go into settings> Accounts & sync settings > Manage accounts - and click on my google account
press the menu button - then click 'Sync now', what happens is a sync icon(with an exclamation mark over it) appears in my top menu bar.
After doing so, and returning into the 'Accounts & sync settings' folder, the status of the google account still has 'Sync is OFF' below it.

I read elsewhere this can be caused by your date and time not being correct, mine is correct.
Does any one know a way to fix this ?

Also, I purchased this MID - tablet at the Pantip shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand.
Various shop keepers make different claims to what the tablet actually is.
I was told it was a superpad.

The data it displays under 'About Device' is as follows:
Model number: WonderMedia WM8650
Android version: 2.2
Kernel version:
Build number: generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver1.5.3-20110819.052300

When I hook it up to my PC, the tablets harddrive displays as: 1.6GB, I assume that is a 2 GB drive.
I am not sure if you can check how much RAM it has.
So I am also wondering, if with the information I provided any one can determine if it's a superpad II, III, flytouch, what ev's.

Mine will not sync my Google Calendar. It is checked but all when you go into calendar it just gives you options to add new accounts.
Mine has the same problem. I get the same error including my account does not have an android device associated with the google
Account. I called google and they were no help.