Google Now Question


Senior Member
Feb 14, 2013
I'm running a Nexus 7. I was playing Black Ops 2 with some friends on my PS3 yesterday when I received a network error from the system. I didn't think much about it. I reset my PS3 and went about my business. Later that night, I was looking at my tablet and saw this:


Not only did my tablet show me details on the error message I received, but about the last game I played yesterday. I didn't Google either yesterday.

My guess is that it's because they are on the same network, but does anybody have a better answer about how my tablet knew this? Is this something that others here have seen before?
Welcome to the forum

That doesn't appear to me to be a network type of error. It's possible it was leftover from the original problem. Have you tried restarting your tablet and trying the PS3 again.
There's no problem with the tablet and, as I said above, I restarted the PS3 when it happened and that fixed that. I was just curious if anybody else has experienced Google Now finding stuff related to what they were doing on the PS3. In my case, it was information on the error that occurred and the last game I had played before checking the tablet. Neither of those were there prior
Wish I had a PS3 to try this out. Very strange.

What happens if you tap on the INFO circle on the top right of one of the cards for the PS3?
My understanding is, if you have Google Now turned on it tracts everything you do with your tablet. I am not sure why it showed you the error.