Google voice texts to Tab


Nov 16, 2010
Thought I would pass this along for those doing research on the Tab (too late for those of you that have already bought one).

I just got a Tab to, hopefully, replace my cell phone (google voice, sipdroid). In theory you can't have your google voice texts forwarded to the Tab because there's no way to confirm the phone # in google voice. I brought this up to brilliant young lady in a t-mobile store and she found a work around for me. She initially set me up with a voice account. Put the sim card in a phone and had me add it to google voice. Then she put the sim back in the Tab and changed my account to a Tab account. It works. My GV texts forward to my Tab.

How useful is this? Not very. I use the GV app on the tab for sending and receiving texts (otherwise the outgoing texts would show my Tab phone #), but thought someone out there might be interested to know that it's possible.

The full cell phone replacement is still a work in progress. Sipdroid works. I downloaded aDialer and it works to make dialpad calls and for contacts starred as favorites. I am using sipgate for now, but the quality is very bad (though not sure if that's sipgate or a slow 3g connection when I was testing). Outgoing calls go through sipdroid, not a callback from GV, so you need outgoing minutes (1.9 cents/minute outgoing. free incoming). I use at home and will try to get that on my Tab (1 cent/minute incoming and outgoing. better quality - I think). I'm also going to get a pay as you go phone for when I don't feel like carrying my Tab (won't have GV caller ID, my only glitch at this point).

I would be very interested in others thoughts and experiences with sip on the Tab.
I was actually just writing a story for the front page on exactly this. I will continue writing it and hope more people will test sip out on tablets like you have
I have just tried skype which gives you a free call and it works good. Now to get your incoming calls all you need to do is go with the $2.99 plan which is unlimited in and out but you need to buy a phone number unless you use this site which is totally cool its called ring to skype and it works for canadian numbers but i am not sure about american so check it out. you add your skype user name and it will give youts a number with an extention that identifies you. Thats the best I have found and I believe that it works great so let me know what you think and keep on searching for any better or a number thats better than Ring2Skype - Free SkypeIn Service- Have your number around the world for free (free number to ring your skype user name.)
Thought I would pass this along for those doing research on the Tab (too late for those of you that have already bought one).

I just got a Tab to, hopefully, replace my cell phone (google voice, sipdroid). In theory you can't have your google voice texts forwarded to the Tab because there's no way to confirm the phone # in google voice. I brought this up to brilliant young lady in a t-mobile store and she found a work around for me. She initially set me up with a voice account. Put the sim card in a phone and had me add it to google voice. Then she put the sim back in the Tab and changed my account to a Tab account. It works. My GV texts forward to my Tab.

How useful is this? Not very. I use the GV app on the tab for sending and receiving texts (otherwise the outgoing texts would show my Tab phone #), but thought someone out there might be interested to know that it's possible.

The full cell phone replacement is still a work in progress. Sipdroid works. I downloaded aDialer and it works to make dialpad calls and for contacts starred as favorites. I am using sipgate for now, but the quality is very bad (though not sure if that's sipgate or a slow 3g connection when I was testing). Outgoing calls go through sipdroid, not a callback from GV, so you need outgoing minutes (1.9 cents/minute outgoing. free incoming). I use at home and will try to get that on my Tab (1 cent/minute incoming and outgoing. better quality - I think). I'm also going to get a pay as you go phone for when I don't feel like carrying my Tab (won't have GV caller ID, my only glitch at this point).

I would be very interested in others thoughts and experiences with sip on the Tab.