Got my New M701-R with 4 gigs and FIXED SD SLOT!!

Oct 28, 2010
Thats right, you heard it, I just received today the newest M701-R with 4 gig internal and the SD CARD fits mostly all the way (way better than my M701)..

Good News, attaching pictures so you can see it...


Also its extremely faster than my M701, that looks identical, it also loads up dramatically quicker? so what gives? maybe its running at 800mhz, not 720mhz, like my other one? or what do you guys think it is?

Also here is the info about the revision in case you guys are interested?


I also sent 20 bucks via paypal to VenoMous' and Azzure's for the android 2.2, and hopefully 3.0, soon, anyways I am very happy with this model, it comes with a remote control, a free HDMI cable (i payed 5 bucks for one the other day..), its unbelievable though how fast it loads up, what gives?
Very cool!

I missed delivery on mine yesterday, but expect the wife to get it today while I'm working.

I have no clue if mine is a new or old style one, but nevertheless congrats! That card exposure issue is a pain.

If I can get my Haipad to see my home server I won't be that worried about local storage though.
I got mine from and low and's the same as yours with a WAY more recessed card slot!
Also they included a free flexible USB keyboard, which is a deal saver for them ultimately. -Once it's plugged in you can get around the Asian keyboard!

I have to fix that, but marketplace works great.

Overall my first impressions are very good!
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I have excaxtly the same device! The pre-installed app "" always crashes on my device. Can somebody confirm this behaviour and habe a solution for the problem? How can I uninstall this app???
It seems to work on mine, although I'm not going to register to see if it works the rest of the way.
More info since I've been playing:

*Battery life is very short (Three to four hours and WAY less watching media.) [This has improved since installing an app to toggle Wi-Fi.]

*While the card fits nice and tight now it also seems to be sensitive to being moved while inserted. Mine connected and disconnected several times when I experimentally jiggled it. (I won't be doing any more of THAT.)

Also, that flexible keyboard they sent along is extremely nice for a freebie. I found one on ebay as an example: USB 2.0 Black Rubber Indestructible Flexible Keyboard - eBay (item 130457686999 end time Nov-27-10 00:08:34 PST)

-turns out the keyboard is part of a promotion I happened to order my M701-R in the middle of.


*Got a handle on the on-screen keyboard: Tap and hold on the text input area when the keyboard is up, select input method and Android Keyboard.

*After testing Fring it would appear the microphone is REALLY bad, just about unusable. Kinda disappointing.

*Still can't access my shared network folders -I've ordered a 16GB memory card for now.

*Plugged in a Logitech Access Keyboard 600 and it was recognized. Volume control and some other special keys work.
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Wow I messed with it, and it usually last me 4 to 5 hours? I think the battery life is very good! its also the same with my M701, PRETTY GOOD AND shocking if you ask me, because I heard that the X5A only last 2 hours? wow thats very bad..

Also about the SD Card, you are right! if you jiggle with it, it does say "accidentally" removed card, and in one instance it wiped out my sd card, SO BE CAREFUL, and dont fiddle with the SD card if you put one in..

For the price is actually been pretty cool, I used it at my moms house yesterday for a couple of hours as a MP3 player, Karaoke machine..
Just finished trying a bunch of classic console emulators on mine, and while they all seem to run really well, as soon as you use the touchscreen for controls it's pretty much all over: stuttering, slow performance, and no real support for multitouch. I tried plugging in a Logitech Dual-Action USB gamepad, but sadly it wasn't recognized. :(

If someone could make a gaming controller work this would have some serious potential.
Please, can somebody check opera mobile and angrybirds for me? On my device the text on the screens is some how corruped. Can somebody confirm this? Is there a workaround? I have the new m701-r with the fixed sd slot...
I recently downloaded Angry Birds, and yes I see the same video glitches.
Oddly enough there are less of them in the holiday edition, so while the levels are harder you can use it to learn which blank squares are supposed to do what and then go back and play.

Awesome game. Too bad it's buggy on our tablets. I did comment about running it on the M701-R in the Marketplace.