greetings from a remote California mountain hamlet


Jun 7, 2012
New here, saying HI. I'm mostly found over at Pentax Forums where I'm something of a cheap-lens guru and general PITA. I just got my first tablet and first Android device a couple days ago, a Vizio VTAB 1008. Why that one? Because it's what CostCo was selling. Often I do extensive research before buying non-trivial devices. And sometimes I just buy the sucker and learn about it later. That's the case with the Vizio. My thought: If I don't like it, I have 90 days to return it. Well, it's starting to grow on me, so maybe I'm stuck with it.

No, no Android phone, no iPhone, none of those. No good here, not in the mountains and canyons. No iStuff at all. I've never liked Apple.

I'll have questions. I've already raised a couple, and answered them myself, but it's still a tabula rasa to me. I'm not exactly new with digital systems. I built a HeathKit computer in 1980, soldered it together when I wasn't coding COBOL for a big firm, and have been hot at it ever since. But I was never a *nix guru, and I don't intend to go rooting. I just want a portable tool for reading texts and comix, working with spreadsheets and photographic apps, and navigating my car around the Americas north of the Panama Canal.

So I hope to find some useful info here. Ah, there's a Vizio forum. I'm saved!!
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Thanks for stopping by Rico.

Pentax....I remember learning to shoot in the '80s on my grandfathers K1000. I have a Nikon SLR now (my cousin got the K1000 because he was a photography major) and a Nikon DSLR. Love to shoot when I can. Funny thing, with all of the fancy schmancy settings, I find myself going back to full manual to set it just the way I want it.

Anywho, you are in the right place.

Check out Android Tablet Discussions and Android Tablet Q&A.

If you get stuck, search or ask and we will get you out of the ditch.
Greetings to you as well Rico, welcome to the forum and congratulations on the new Visio VTAB. Nice to have you as a member here at Android Tablets.