Greetings from North Little Rock


Jul 14, 2012
Hello all. I am a proud owner of a brand new 16gig Nexus 7 tablet. And let me say, I cannot say enough good things about this device. Google/Asus have, IMHO, set the bar in the new 7" tablet wars. And I believe the future is bright for this new tablet. Not only does this device do everything well, and project 'butter' has made the NX7 an absolute joy to navigate, but I certainly think that it will soon be a hackers 'paradise'.

I certainly look forward to chatting with the members here, and learning all I can about the NX7 in the process. Thanks, in advance, for any assistance.

Hello Carl, congratulations on your new Nexus 7 tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. If you need anything for that tablet of yours, just click this link to the Nexus 7 forum. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!