GTablet with Vegan, having issues with picture viewing


Jun 7, 2011
Hi all, I would like some help on a little issue with vegan and viewing pictures. I have a Gtablet rooted with vegan and am trying to use it as a comic book viewer. Some of my comics are in cbr format and some of them are in folders with just jpeg images. The thing is I can view them ok but they would delete themselves from my added micro sdcard. for example i would add 5 comics with the folders and images. I would only read one with a picture app, then either after shutting down or when the tablet comes out of hibernation, i would go in and try to read another comic, the folders are still there but no pictures are there.

Please help

Not sure about comic, but try to create an empty file and name it '.nomedia' (without the ') in the folder where your comics and images reside.
This is a known issue with many rom's.
