Haipad M701 latest firmaware: Android 2.3 (2G Samsung, Micron 4G).

I managed to update my HaiPad from 2.1 to 2.3 successfully using the CHINESE rom & All seems to work fine.

However, how do I get rid of the chinese characters on the keyboard? I tried to install different keyboards from the market but they are still there.
Do I need to search for a specific APK?

thanks a lot
I flashed recently version 0616 (link in the beginning of the thread under 0419 title) to my M701 4G HY (clone). Flashed smoothly. English version. Multi-language keyboard. Reports Android version 2.3.3. Kernel The only problem - it is not rooted, and tools used for Eclair do not work.

I did the install of the apps on the zip in /system/app doing a single copy of the files to that directory (mounted rw) and changing the file permissions to 744. Proceed a reboot and the options to synchronize calendar and contacts are not available. I did the same with de Calendar.apk and the same. The application does not appear on the menu..

There are more things to do? Like a command do register or install these files on the system?

Thanks in advance.
@MrBispok - if you are talking about the Sync and Calendar.apk you can download earlier in this thread and if you are using the 2.3.3 firmware those won't work. Google's apps seem to be very particular about coming from exactly the same version or they won't work (they might install, but they either won't show up in the Launcher or they will and don't work). You can pull the 2.3.3 apps from the SDK Emulator running 2.3.3 (you pull them with ADB the same way you would from an actual device).
@greattrails - unfortunately nobody I've heard of has got it to work. I spent an entire weekend trying every hack I could find, including digging into the settings database and manually editing it, and it refuses to work even though the settings are correct and the necessary apps are there. I suspect something got left out of the Gingy kernel since wifi-based location worked for me under Eclair.
Thanks for the reply. I read your previous posts and it looks like you were pretty thorough. It worked
as well on my M701 with 2.1. 2.3 is still more useful to me as it's more stable and executes much faster.
If I learn anything new I'll post it here. - Jeff

@greattrails - unfortunately nobody I've heard of has got it to work. I spent an entire weekend trying every hack I could find, including digging into the settings database and manually editing it, and it refuses to work even though the settings are correct and the necessary apps are there. I suspect something got left out of the Gingy kernel since wifi-based location worked for me under Eclair.
Using ADB:
adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system adb push su /system/bin/ adb shell chmod 4755 /system/bin/su adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/ adb shell reboot
Make sure you have su and Superuser.apk on adb folder (attached on the zip).
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This made my day. I have been struggling with several X6 tablets and this finally allowed me to Root the devices. Now I just need to figure out why downloads will not start. From the Market or any web browser.
I downloaded an Android 2.3.3 here:

FLASH this at your OWN RISK!! I had used the wrong version initially and it failed the CRC check. Turns out the correct version for my M701 was the 2gb Samsung (even though I paid for a 4gb upgrade). Everything is now working great. Live and learn, I guess ;)
I downloaded an Android 2.3.3 here:

FLASH this at your OWN RISK!! I had used the wrong version initially and it failed the CRC check. Turns out the correct version for my M701 was the 2gb Samsung (even though I paid for a 4gb upgrade). Everything is now working great. Live and learn, I guess ;)

This is a really good rom but 1 major problem. You can't set flight mode or switch phone elements off, but so you can't use wlan to register market or gmail accounts....
I flashed this and didnt realize that my device is the m701 512 and this is only for 256 so my tablet isnt working right now. i need a link to download 2.3 for hiapad m701 4gb 512 tablet that is in english since i can not understand how to download directly from haipad.com since i can not read it. PLEASE help!
People, I have the same problem as amber24740, I used the wrong version and got stuck.. s white screening flaschs if I want to start the device (M708), and the same again if I push the Home and on/off buttons. Meaning no way to connect with the computer/FWDN.
Any help is very welcome.
Hi I have a Haipad m701-r 4g telechip TCC8902, can anyone tell me which and where to download the latest android version?
