Haipad M701-R Review and questions -lots of them


Oct 15, 2010
I have just received what eugo.com described as an Haipad M701-R ( no names on the tablet whatsoever)
I used to have an Eken M701, and this one is miles ahead: better build, more responsive, longer battery, and much more powerful.
I still feel this is an unfinished product, lots of hangs, reboots, etc, that's why I have some questions for your guys:
- Can I flash its current firmware with the AsuRom available here in this forum?, will I miss any functionality ( like multitouch)
- How can I get root access?
- Is it possible to use flash 10? , and how to
- I have problems with accelerometer and orientation seems to be reversed, how can I fix this?
- When I plug my PC onto usb port, it is detected, but I cannot see the files neither the PC or the tablet. A similar thing happens when I plug a usb drive using the provided OTG cable I get a message saying "preparing mass storage", but how do I access it?

Sorry if I ask so many questions, but as this is a new device, I'm not sure they have been answered yet
I think some, if not all of those questions can be found from other forums on this site. Try using the search at the top. I'd try and help if i ever got my tablet!!!