HaiPad M8 or Herotab MID816?


Sep 1, 2011
Hi, I think i've narrowed my search for a tablet down to these two;
Just wondering if anyone can give either positives or negatives about the HaiPad M8 or the Herotab MID816. They both seem to have pretty similar specs - running android 2.3, capacitive screens (the Herotab is an optional upgrade to capacitive) etc.

I'm looking at either the haipad from Tenq or Herotab from techtoys2go

Can anyone shed some light on which i should get and if these sellers are reliable, otherwise i'll just get the one that is cheaper.

Well, I just received yesterday a Haipad, or a clone Haipad (the website says Hapad, so I don't know if it's a typo or not). Anyway, the specs are similar to the Haipad M8, and I must say the display is horrible.
The wallpaper seems like it glittering or glossy, and the video playback is a bit dark.
All in all, I'm reselling it and will keep watcihing vids on my HTC desire HD untill I find something with a good display/screen
The M8 is on it's way to me. I will be making a post back ..a report after I get it.

Hope it is not as described by c74. I saw the Hapad version as I was searching. I did not trust it to be the same as the Haipad.

The M8 with 1 gig of ram, and a 1.3 Via chip goes for about 200.00 shipped. I bought mine from Android sale.com
android-sale.com/haipad-m8-8-inch-1-3ghz-processor-android-tablet.html for 159.00 + shipping ..came to 189.98.
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