Handwriting App for Archos 70 .....


Jan 14, 2011
For my Archos 70 Internet Tablet 250GB:

Is there an app that will allow me to write with a stylus, and interpret my handwriting, then translate my handwriting to type-written letters?
Did you have any luck with this? I'm thinking of buying an Archos 70, but I want to use it almost entirely with handwriting, and after Windows 7 and ritePen for Windows, I have high standards.

This looks interesting and helpful - seems DioPen, MobileWrite and PenReader are all options.

Please let me know what you find out!
Did you have any luck with this? I'm thinking of buying an Archos 70, but I want to use it almost entirely with handwriting, and after Windows 7 and ritePen for Windows, I have high standards.

This looks interesting and helpful - seems DioPen, MobileWrite and PenReader are all options.

Please let me know what you find out!

I found one app that allows for typing notes, drawing, and several other functions. Will have to check and see what app that is. I will check out those apps you mention when I get a chance.

I'm also searching for a good quality stylus with a fine tip, especially for the small fonts! I keep clicking on the wrong links with my fingers.

Can you recommend a good quality stylus with a fine tip?
The first two apps you mention, DioPen, MobileWrite, do not show up in Market. I already had PenReader installed, which shows up in my Language & Keyboard Settings.

Now, I just need to figure out how to use PenReader. I'm assuming I should be able to write with my fingers ....
Extensive Notes is the app I found which allows for typing notes, recording voice memos, and drawing.
In the end I went for an Archos 70 - so far at least, PenReader absolutely sucks on this. It may be a screen and stylus issue - the rubber stylus I have doesnt exactly skate over the screen - but a finger does no better.
Honestly, if you want a handwriting-friendly tablet, get yourself a 10+ year old Newton Messagepad 2100. It's the only one ever to have been geared towards HWR, and - moronic Doonesbury cartoons notwithstanding - it is fabulous, both the HWR engines (it has two of them!) and the user interface experience. It shows you what Apple could have been without Darth Jobs.

Unfortunately, you'll have to forego decent storage, usable internet access and a colour screen. Still, for me it was almost worth it.

almost fell off my chair...i LOVE my newton!! I still have it actually, sitting on my shelf in a nice place of honor among the retired hardware
I had the Newton 2100 too. My best recent experience with hwr tablets has been - wait for it - Windows. First with XP Tablet OS, then XP with ritePen, then Windows 7. Microsoft may have got many thins wrong with tablets but hwr wasnt one of them. Still convinced this is primarily a screen/stylus problem on the Archos, though.
I had the Newton 2100 too. My best recent experience with hwr tablets has been - wait for it - Windows. First with XP Tablet OS, then XP with ritePen, then Windows 7. Microsoft may have got many thins wrong with tablets but hwr wasnt one of them. Still convinced this is primarily a screen/stylus problem on the Archos, though.

It's how capacitive screens work. They just don't have the resolution for efficient stylus operation. You might give that HTC magnetic stylus a go. Some people swear on them.

Then again, lots of other people swear at them...
Honestly, if you want a handwriting-friendly tablet, get yourself a 10+ year old Newton Messagepad 2100. It's the only one ever to have been geared towards HWR, and - moronic Doonesbury cartoons notwithstanding - it is fabulous, both the HWR engines (it has two of them!) and the user interface experience. It shows you what Apple could have been without Darth Jobs.

Unfortunately, you'll have to forego decent storage, usable internet access and a colour screen. Still, for me it was almost worth it.


Totally agree with you. I have so much knowledge in my MP2100 (and the spare MP2100 I keep just in case). I keep waiting for a good HW app to appear. With all the processing power in these Archos devices, the speed of recognition would make it a pleasure to use.