Hard Rest - Custom Rom and Wifi Issues

you have turned off the PIN request to the SIM card (before you insert the tablet)

I cannot turn off the PIN request (settings => location and security => Set up SIM card lock) Someone has put a code in there and it's enabled by default.
It doens't have anything to do with my 3G SIM as it's not in there!

Hope someone has the same annoying problem?

what version of the android on your tablet?
to copy the image you need to do:
1) use USB flash 8GB
2) make a as I wrote
command to copy is different:
dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/udisk/utopia_2.img

tablet do not need to disassemble

Version is Android 2.2, but no chinese startup like Utopia ROM
hmm. i think i got a fake dawa to, but mine was with 2.2 and it works like it was supposed to, apart from nothing input wise working at the moment.
Im gonna pull it apart again and try and fix it. I believe its as simple as a cable not plugged in correctly
(problem is NOTHING works, so i can't turn it off but have to wait out the battery to die. - thats a first for wishing for lesser lifetime in terms of battery power)

virtual, couldnt he just use /extsd/utopia_2.img for putting it on external sdcard, that works for me...? i don't really get the whole /mnt/udisk part - what's that? mount point to usb??? or some other tool?

btw. anybody have a link to dawa's homepage cause i can't find it?
hmm. i think i got a fake dawa to, but mine was with 2.2 and it works like it was supposed to, apart from nothing input wise working at the moment.
Im gonna pull it apart again and try and fix it. I believe its as simple as a cable not plugged in correctly
(problem is NOTHING works, so i can't turn it off but have to wait out the battery to die. - thats a first for wishing for lesser lifetime in terms of battery power)

virtual, couldnt he just use /extsd/utopia_2.img for putting it on external sdcard, that works for me...? i don't really get the whole /mnt/udisk part - what's that? mount point to usb??? or some other tool?

btw. anybody have a link to dawa's homepage cause i can't find it?

in my firmware:
usb flash mounted in / mnt / udisk / (not available if the tablet does not connect the usb flash, USB connector on the body of the tablet)
microSD external mounted in / mnt / extsd / (if not available to the tablet is notconnected microSD, microSD slot on the housing plate)
internal microSD mounted in / mnt / sdcard / (always available, part of the system)

/ dev/block/mmcblk0 - all internal memory tablet
(containing a few blocks)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system ext4 ro,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /data ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 /cache ext4 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,barrier=1,data=ordered
0 0
usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs rw,relatime 0 0

dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0 of=/mnt/udisk/utopia_2.img
​copy the internal MicroSD to a specified location
hmm. i think i got a fake dawa to, but mine was with 2.2 and it works like it was supposed to, apart from nothing input wise working at the moment.
Im gonna pull it apart again and try and fix it. I believe its as simple as a cable not plugged in correctly
(problem is NOTHING works, so i can't turn it off but have to wait out the battery to die. - thats a first for wishing for lesser lifetime in terms of battery power)

virtual, couldnt he just use /extsd/utopia_2.img for putting it on external sdcard, that works for me...? i don't really get the whole /mnt/udisk part - what's that? mount point to usb??? or some other tool?

btw. anybody have a link to dawa's homepage cause i can't find it?

Look overhere: DAWA¡¡»¶Ó­Äú¹âÁÙ£¡£¡£¡ MID UMPC Tablet PC :cool:
it sounds like the simcard itself has the lock on it? im not sure though.
put it in a phone and try it out there?
Trying to get gmail contacts, calendar synchronized to gmail and folders, like my Droid gmail.

Did Chat w/service tech, they required mail in to TX, just got it back. Still not getting contacts, calender, gmail with folders.

What is my solution? Will usb cable fix?

Hi Guys n Gals!

I recently bought a Dawa D9 (or Utopia G10). 2 Speakers, with screws.

Had a couple of issues with it after messing around with it, and decided to do a hard reset (reset with pin in the bottom). BAD IDEA!

The tablet then got stuck on the "Android" console text that apears on boot.
As i was not expecting it to "brick" with the few things i was doing with it, i had not made a backup of the current rom/system.img

Well, i consider myself pretty crafty when it comes to computers and the like, so i started a "manual-repair" of sorts, and started doing adb stuff to make it work again.
I found out i couldn't do anything in terms of adb shell commands - no ls, mount or the likes. I was lucky though and push and pull still worked. I Could NOT pull a system.img file from the tablet, so i was beginning to think one wasn't there (maybe it got wiped along with everything else, when i did the factory reset. Maybe it was never there, i don't know)

I then proceeded to flash the XAUMOD custom rom with dual speaker support, and was VERY happy when i saw that the tablet finally got past the "ANDROID" text.

At first glance all apeared as it was meant to be. Camera worked, sound worked, touch worked. It all seemed fine and dandy (and to top it off, the tablet felt faster!)

Then the problems started. I could no longer see the internal SDcard originally mounted to /sdcard, that instead showed my external SD (which originally mounted to /extsd) - easy fix though, as it was just a little digging around in the filesystem and uncommenting a couple of lines in vold.fstab.

I then tried turning on WIFI so i could get online (i don't have the 3G version!)
The wifi never started and displayed on screen "Unable to scan for networks"
I googled it and found it a general issue with alot of different phones/tablets.

Well a couple of hours later (i think im on 3rd right now) and im about to give up.
Any ideas about how to fix this? I tried factory reset, removing the wpa_supplicant.conf file and alot of other stuff (like tapping the wifi button repeatedly, turning the tablet of and on again - several times! etc.)

Looking at wpa_supplicant.conf file i saw that it believes the wifi component is called "wlan0" (which i cant find in the /dev/ folder)
Does anyone know what the component is, or even better, could get me a link to the original system.img & system.md5 that comes with the tablet. I already lost the data/setup i had on the tablet, so reflashing wouldn't be a problem.

Please help me if anyone is able, i would really appreciate it.

Thank you in advance
the google sync' issue seems to lie in original firmware.
I could login to market, and gmail. But that was that. Afterwards nothing worked, couldn't sync google calendar or anything else.
When i installed the xaumod, and fixed my wifi thing with the wpa_supplicant file then everything google related started to work.
You do have a Dawa D9/Utopia G10 tablet right? or else i can't tell if this will work.

I will say though that you should be a little carefull messing around with this stuff. though flashing xaumod was easy as pie.
If you are interrested i can upload a working wpa_supplicant file you can push to the tablet.
you will need the android-sdk installed and basic knowledge of command (cmd.exe - don't know why but i assume you run windows?)
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And now I have another problem:

Do not want to connect.

C:\>cd tools

C:\tools>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now *
* daemon started successfully *
error: device not found

C:\tools>dd if=/mnt/udisk/utopia.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0
Nazwa 'dd' nie jest rozpoznawana jako polecenie wewnętrzne lub zewnętrzne,
program wykonywalny lub plik wsadowy.(The name 'dd' is not recognized as internal or external command, program or batch file.)

now repeats

C:\tools>adb shell
error: device not found


C:\tools>adb shell
error: device not found

Tablet turns, makes calibration of the screen and turns on again, and so all the time.
Is this the end or else you can do something?

I have on the tablet in recovery mode

Android system recovery

E: Cam't mounts CACHE: recovery/cammand
E: Cam't mounts CACHE: recovery/log
E: Cam't open CACHE: recovery/log

after calibration system is loading all the time and does not connect, but the message changed:

C:\tools>adb shell
link_image[1995]: failed to link /system/bin/sh

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Thanks dkzeb and Virtual 2011 - what you guys know and have figured out is brilliant.

I bought a "Dawa D9" from a Hong Kong seller through eBay about 2 weeks ago. It was advertised with 2.2, but arrived with 2.3.3. I was happy until I found out it didn't work properly - similar problems to what dkzeb first reported. I spent hours trying to get it to let me log on to my Google account, open the browser or market, or even talk to my PC. Several options in "settings" were also missing (like accounts/sync and factory data reset).

I don't have your IT talents to rebuild the operating system or adjust the hardware, and finally emailed a complaint to Dawa Group in China a couple of hours ago. They replied within 10 minutes to say I had been sold a counterfeit machine and that they have never released any Dawa D9 tablets with 2.3.

If you guys (and Mikers) also bought from someone other than Dawa Group direct, and the machine doesn't have the Dawa name on the case, the mismatch between the fake hardware and the operating system might be the cause of the problem.

I know that it doesn't get me any closer to having a functional tablet, but at least I don't feel quite so incompetent any more.

That's correct, they only sell 2.2 devices: DAWA D7

But does anyone managed to get factory firmware from Dawa, would be great to have an alternative factory rom! Also Colpad had a brand device of this tablet.

Where in the internal SD card?
It is the same as the microSD?
Undressed "DAWA" to pull it out and I can not find it
How to get into the system files?

ok, I found:)
I understand that it can move files "system.img" and "system.md5" sdcard folder and install using the recovery?
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Hello please help.
screen freezes on the first page (and no longer boot until the battery does not sit off)
connected to the computer can not because that is not on screen saver is loading.

Please if you have a copy of inner flash device send it to me at pooleet@yandex.ru