Has anyone hacked a Pandigital Planet tablet with Android Market access!

You can root it it with Z4 root...it allows you to root and unroot at the click of a button...get it at freewarelovers .com. Also Autokiller Memory optimizer works great. I know that the Market Hack has been accomplished but I don't know if it is bad form to mention another forum to point you in the right direction.

my planet has been kicking my butt.i sure could use info also. thanks
I got a planet for christmas and have been trying to get it on to the market I would also like to see the info if someone can send it to me. Thank you
I'm in the same boat guys! I got a Planet for Christmas and I'm trying to figure out how to install the Android Market... This is my first Android device so I'm a total noob at this unit. I have done my fair share of device manipulation though so all I need is the knowledge.... Could someone PM me either a step-by-step process or send me a link where it's already been spelled out for others? I've tried searching Google but I keep finding tutorials for the Novel... So all I got so far is that I need to root the Planet with the Z4 Root...but then what? Please send me a PM or email me at tech3099@live.com
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Wait...is rooting even a part of getting the Android Market? I also read that there's a way to load an actual Android Tablet OS onto the Planet...is that right? God I hope my words are seen...I'm really trying to make the most out of this little guy...
found this on a different site

Posted 19 June 2011 - 12:22 AM


Edit: This update uses about 20 meg of internal storage, so please, make sure you have at least 40 meg free of internal storage. You can verify this in Settings, SD card & device storage, Internal device storage.

Now, Bow before us. also, READ THE INSTUCTIONS BELOW!!!!

Supplement 1 Added to step 15 below.

As odd as it seems, Autokiller memory optimizer seems to be a requirement for the lack of ram we have on this device. Without google apps, set to aggressive, it significantly speeds up the device. Since I have a fresh table, With a fresh install, Everything seems to run much better if you install google apps as the very first thing before anything else. About the autokiller, it seems to be conflicting with gapps, and taking up a significant amount of ram itself. Without google apps: run it. With google apps: Dont. even setcpu seems to slow the device down a bit, as it also has a fairly large memory footprint. The device bith seems faster, and has more ram availible, if you dont run these apps alongside Market. In the nbext few hours, I will be attempting to burn a complete flash, with market included. It will not erase your device, so the first step in the install will be to factory reset. this will be optional, of course, just as a warning, market runs best if it is installed on a virgin environment, and stays fast and stable despite installing many other programs. Keep the services to a minimum, even things like es task manager widgets away. eventually, I will get a custom kernel on this damn thing, or barring that, do the Droid-esk 2nd-init/hijack to overwrite the boot partion in memory, and enable a swap partion or file on the sdcard to suppliment our low ram.

Be aware, that this is an alpha release of this market package. there are bugs. most notable, is that sync does not always work. if an app hangs on start download, downloading, or installing, just click on the progress bar for that app within market and it should start installing and or downloading. If your PDP gives card remo ed errors, reset the device. This should fix it.

Big Props to wookie76 for pointing me in the right direction here: http://www.slatedroi...at-doesnt-work/

0. Make sure no firmware zips are in your sdcard root or Internal Storage root.
1. Place update.zip in root of sdcard
2. Turn off PDP
3. Hold down volume up and power slider for 3 seconds.
4. In recovery menu, press volume up until install update.zip from sdcard is selected.
5. Press volume down.
6. ???
7. Profit!
8. After completion, press volume down button to reboot device. Reboot May take a long time as it rebuilds caches.
9. Open Gmail.
10. Create or login to gmail account.
11. side load old market acquired app. Some People have needed this step, other have not. Update: here is an old version of frozen bubble.http://www.4shared.c...ozenbubble.html
12. start market. It will load, then say updates available in status bar. It will give old WPDN connection error in some cases. If it does, press retry and immediatly drag down status bar and select the app to be updated!
13. Press search button.
14. You now have full google apps experience.
15. Install the two apk's in this suppliment. Adds contact support and fixes FC with google maps by using an older version of maps.http://www.4shared.c...pplement_1.html

I was wondering if someone can send me this info as well.
i just got a pandigital planet and im having issues with it.
Did my Supernova in about 10 minutes.

Go to the link below and EXACTLY follow the instructions. It worked on the SUpernova and you will have to research to see if it will work on a Planet.

I was wondering if someone can send me this info as well.
i just got a pandigital planet and im having issues with it.
Last edited by a moderator:
found this on a different site

Posted 19 June 2011 - 12:22 AM


Edit: This update uses about 20 meg of internal storage, so please, make sure you have at least 40 meg free of internal storage. You can verify this in Settings, SD card & device storage, Internal device storage.

Now, Bow before us. also, READ THE INSTUCTIONS BELOW!!!!

Supplement 1 Added to step 15 below.

As odd as it seems, Autokiller memory optimizer seems to be a requirement for the lack of ram we have on this device. Without google apps, set to aggressive, it significantly speeds up the device. Since I have a fresh table, With a fresh install, Everything seems to run much better if you install google apps as the very first thing before anything else. About the autokiller, it seems to be conflicting with gapps, and taking up a significant amount of ram itself. Without google apps: run it. With google apps: Dont. even setcpu seems to slow the device down a bit, as it also has a fairly large memory footprint. The device bith seems faster, and has more ram availible, if you dont run these apps alongside Market. In the nbext few hours, I will be attempting to burn a complete flash, with market included. It will not erase your device, so the first step in the install will be to factory reset. this will be optional, of course, just as a warning, market runs best if it is installed on a virgin environment, and stays fast and stable despite installing many other programs. Keep the services to a minimum, even things like es task manager widgets away. eventually, I will get a custom kernel on this damn thing, or barring that, do the Droid-esk 2nd-init/hijack to overwrite the boot partion in memory, and enable a swap partion or file on the sdcard to suppliment our low ram.

Be aware, that this is an alpha release of this market package. there are bugs. most notable, is that sync does not always work. if an app hangs on start download, downloading, or installing, just click on the progress bar for that app within market and it should start installing and or downloading. If your PDP gives card remo ed errors, reset the device. This should fix it.

Big Props to wookie76 for pointing me in the right direction here: http://www.slatedroi...at-doesnt-work/

0. Make sure no firmware zips are in your sdcard root or Internal Storage root.
1. Place update.zip in root of sdcard
2. Turn off PDP
3. Hold down volume up and power slider for 3 seconds.
4. In recovery menu, press volume up until install update.zip from sdcard is selected.
5. Press volume down.
6. ???
7. Profit!
8. After completion, press volume down button to reboot device. Reboot May take a long time as it rebuilds caches.
9. Open Gmail.
10. Create or login to gmail account.
11. side load old market acquired app. Some People have needed this step, other have not. Update: here is an old version of frozen bubble.http://www.4shared.c...ozenbubble.html
12. start market. It will load, then say updates available in status bar. It will give old WPDN connection error in some cases. If it does, press retry and immediatly drag down status bar and select the app to be updated!
13. Press search button.
14. You now have full google apps experience.
15. Install the two apk's in this suppliment. Adds contact support and fixes FC with google maps by using an older version of maps.http://www.4shared.c...pplement_1.html

I tried ROOTing my Pandigital Planet using these instructions, but I can't even make it to the recovery menu..

I hold down Volume+ (at least I think it is. It's the volume button closest to the power button) and hold power for 3 secs..

The tablet boots up, shows the green guy poping out of a box and then the green guy with a white triangle and a bit '!' in it and it just sits there.

Is it a timing thing???

