Hello, All Nexus 7 Users!! :-)


Oct 30, 2013
My name is Bobby, and I was recently gifted with a Nexus 7 tablet. I am still getting used to it, and of course I see a lot of space (more or less) to improve it. Yes, I am a true hacker. More power is my mantra. I welcome all comments, greetings, and suggestions, and will gladly render same, and pay it forward, wherever able. Again.... A pleasure to be here, and I look forward to a long time association!!
Thanks!! Bobby T :)
Hello Bobby T, congratulations on your new Nexus 7 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets, and nice to hear you're planning to be an active member of the forum. You'll find the forum for your tablet here: Google Tablets. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!

BTW When you get a chance, please go to your profile and fill in the Tablet / Device entry. That way folks will know which tablet you have without you having to tell them every time. (Also indicate whether it's a Gen I (2012) or Gen II (2013) Nexus 7.)
Oops! I'm not sure how I did it....but I got an infraction for cross posting! Can someone tell me how I manged to do that, please? Also: glad there is soeone here--Spider--to help me figure this place out. Like this tablet, much to learn....Bobby T ^_^
Thank You, Spider. Still getting the hang of this thing. Am sure glad to have Swiftkey. I may invest n a keyboard. Either that, or Tapatalk. :-D
I got an infraction for cross posting! Can someone tell me how I manged to do that, please?

Your thread entitled "Where Do I Start??" was pretty much a duplicate of this one, and was deleted.

Forum Rule #4. Create threads in the proper forum. Threads created in the wrong forum are subject to deletion. One thread posted in multiple forums or multiple times in the same forum (Cross Posting) is subject to deletion and/or issuance of Infractions.


With regard to which Nexus 7 you have, look at the back of your tablet. If the word "nexus" is printed in portrait mode like the one on the left, you have a Nexus 7 Gen I (2012). If it appears in landscape mode like the one on the right, you have a Nexus 7 Gen II (2013).