Hello everyone


Dec 17, 2011
Hi all,
I have recently joined after discovering it while searching for a solution for a problem with my A100. We also have an A500 in the family (the hubby) and are looking for a third for my 17 yo. We are using for games, fun, email, web, books, and in my case -
Sent from my A100 using Android Tablet Forum
Oops, hit enter prematurely....I am also using for watching TV since I travel alot for work. Looking forward to using all the info here and watching for a deal for my daughter. Thanks to everyone for sharing what you have learned!

Sent from my A100 using Android Tablet Forum
Hi msnicholas, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on your new tablets. Nice of you to become members of the forum. If there's anything you need for those Acers, just head over to the Acer Tablets section. Glad to have you with us.