Hello from an Island Man


Dec 8, 2011
Wuhuu, i am here ;-)

I bought myself an Android Tablet a few weeks ago (Asus TF101) and i am very happy with it, i love android ;-)

I am Software Developer living at the Canary Islands (born in austria) and right after the first uses of my Android Tab i wanted to code some Games on it, i've also uploaded a small demo of my first game "Tablet Tower Defense" - i will introduce it later on :)

Normally I am coding Software and Games for various platforms and this was my first attempt to do something on android so i am not really sure if I do everything right in the first place.

Also, english is not my native language so dont blame me if I spell something really wrong ;-)

Have a nice day!

Peter (call me reiti - it's short-term of my full name which is unspeakable in mostly every non-german language)
Welcome to the forum, glad to have you here! Jealous of you in the Canarys, one of the places on my "places to see before I die list"Congratulations on your tablet too, I also have the TF101, love it!Cheers,Peter (my name also)
Hi reiti,

Welcome to the board! It's great you decided to join us! I bet it's great on the Island! I am in Sunny Florida USA and can't imagine life anywhere else. It's not an Island but it's as close as I am going to get to one. ;)
Hi Guys

The Canaries are the only place in europe where summer lasts forever .. "we" have no choice to live elsewhere in reasons of climate - and yes i like it here, mainly because there is no winter .. never colder then 19° C (at night in winter) .. maybe a bit stormy sometimes but who cares :-D

Personally, i have to visit the States sooner or later .. i never was there .. but surely i want :)
We just got down to upper 30's F, last night here in my part of FL but it's been colder then that here before. I will say that I have never seen real snow before. But I kind alike our mild winters. No white Christmas's here, but definitely need sweaters and jackets. I bet not having a winter is nice though too. When you're ready you should come to the States, its quite an experience to be here so I hear from my good friends who've lived outside the states and come to vacation here. :D
Hello reiti, congratulations on your new TF101 and welcome to Android Tablets. Glad to have you as a member of the forum.