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Help! I just received my Google Android APAD and my computers can't seem to find the driver. I am running Windows 7 . I need the driver so that I can transfer files from my computer to the APAD and neither computer recognizes it

Hey Shaolin

I had same problem. The USB cable won't work - I haven't been able to find the required drivers (Android Eclair)
I just use the market for apps and the micro SD card - if you can copy files to your SD card and also transfer some to the internal memory you should have your song, videos and photos. Keep a directory for copying on your pc.

Strange I know, why did the product come shipped with a usb cable?
Hi Sam, I am soooo new to the G-tablet 10 that I am still waiting for the battery indicator light to turn green! How long should it take??? Thanks for offering your help!!