Hello, from Indiana


Oct 17, 2013
I guess i should have done this sooner but here it is anyway
I got a coby kyros 9740-8 with points from my visa card, because I needed to use the points before they expired
I have already learned how to root it and added google play clockwork mod and am really liking all the great info available here.
I am a controls engineer and primarily work with Plc's and ladder logic and touch screen Hmi's but this android seems to pretty capable once I get into it
I guess I want to learn more about android and maybe even try to learn a bit of the programming end. love to be able to do My own apps.
any suggestions on how to get started, I use windows on my laptop
any help would be appreciated.
Hello Paul, congratulations on your Coby 9740 and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets, and nice to hear you're enjoying your tablet and the forum. I'm not aware of any instructions for programming, but the Q&A section would be the place to ask any specific questions you might have along the way. Hopefully, one of the Developers or the more tech savvy folks will be able to help you out.