Hello to the community!


Feb 10, 2011
I am looking to get my first android tablet. This board is the right place for me!

I have an iphone right now, and I love it - changed my life. That said the whole adobe flash not on ios is a constant irritation. I would buy an ipad if it played flash. Next phone will be android, too. (Moto Atrix looks good).

Goal - browser w/flash, email, google docs, facebook, google marketplace.

The finalists are:
Nook Color - cost more, more modifications, solid US company.
Coby Kyros - cost less, still branded, some modifications
M002S/VIA - least cost, 2.2 installed - fewest mods.

Any opinions on which touch screen works best? I wasn't impressed with the NC, especially trying to edit a google doc spreadsheet (hard on iphone, practically impossible on the NC).

Thanks in advance.
Well, welcome to the forum! I am going to say first that the Nook is the best of the three you listed, and if you don't like Excel on that, you aren't going to find the other two any better. The Nook screen is very good.
Thanks for the reply. The display is great to look at - my concern was getting it to pay attention when I touched it. It seemed slow to respond, and in particular, when I was trying to edit a google app spreadsheet, I could select a cell - press on it, and it would highlight, but I couldn't get the keyboard to show up, so I could edit the cell. (I like to keep track of a few things in google docs - always available online ).

I did play a youtube video - it was really grainy (pixel-ated?) compared to the same on my iphone, and didn't fill the whole screen. I'm hoping that resolves with some hacking, upgrading and app downloading.

I am thinking that the NC might be a better choice, as if I didn't like it in the long run as a tablet, at least I could reset it and gift it as an ereader to someone.
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Well, being short on patience (and long on credit card limit), I ran down to the local B&N and got me some nook-ee!
Brand spanking new nook color, that is.

Also ran to Fry's for some mini SDHC, and USB adapter for same.