

Apr 11, 2011
I'm new to Android and to tabletsin general. I tried an Augen78 tablet a while ago. It just was not what I thought it should have been. I felt like I was going to get old and die before it would load a web page. Now I have a Coby MID7024-4G and I am really happy with it. I've even drop tested it, (by accident) 3.5 ft onto concrete. It never missed a beat. The case did open a little, but I could just snap it back together without any problem. Just a small rough spot on one conner now. I won't do that again!

Looking forward to learning a lot about this tablet and Android in the future. I see people talking about possibly getting honeycomb on this!
Welcome to the forum, we are glad to have you and let us know if we can help!

Hey there racemi, welcome to the site! I also use to have an Augen Gentouch78... it was a nice device at the time :)
I just received a Curtis KLU LT7028 for my birthday last week. As I already have the DROID Eris phone by Verizon, and love it, hubby thought this would be nice. However, If I can't find answers on the web as to how to load programs onto it, I'm afraid it's going back. Does anyone have a link to a website that could get me started? The FAQ on this site isn't much help? I can power it up, play with it, etc...but when I try to load Angry Birds (original) it locks up. Forget Angry Birds Rio. I can't get that loaded at all.

To be honest, the only advantage this has over my phone is the 7" screen. Any suggestions?