Hello :)


Nov 22, 2011
Hello all,
My 14 yr old daughter just bought a Nook Tablet last week using her graduation money, so I am getting hooked into the Tablet community :).
Now my wife wants one, so I've been surfing this forum quite a bit and found a lot of knowledgable posters here to aid through all the choices out there. I don't want 2 Nook Tablets in the house... rather, I'm curious about the "rooting" craze here and would want to root one that also has built-in camera and more flexibility than the Nook-Tab (like, I can't believe B&N restricts the highly touted 16GB mostly to B&N content only! and I found this out here of course).

Been looking at the Coby tablets and my next step may be a post over in that forum... I think I read Angry Birds does not load on some tablets (did I read that the Cobys don't can't run it??)... and I don't dare buy my wife a tablet that doesn't run Angry Birds... heh.

Happy Holidays all!
So make sure that whatever you buy is powerful enough and you should be fine. The cheaper tablets don't have the processing capability for Angry Birds. Rooting is nice if you want to have more access to the tablet,including access to what would normally be restricted parts of the OS.

And finally, welcome to the forum, glad to have you here!

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Hello, congratulations on the new Nook and welcome to the forum. Nice to have you here as a member of Android Tablets.