I purchased what was listed on craigslist as a 7" Apad. I don't see any markings/model #s on it. The box that came with it says "irobot" Here are some pics of the unit:

I dont have system info at this time I will get it ASAP. I know its a TCC8902 chipset. I just realized I dont have any pics of the front, there is nothing on the front, no buttons at all. The charger is 9V with a goofy 2 prong thing that goes into an adapter so I can plug it in the wall. Where you plug it in has a RED light. Also it is running Android 2.1, I can't seem to find any app market on it at all.

I dont have system info at this time I will get it ASAP. I know its a TCC8902 chipset. I just realized I dont have any pics of the front, there is nothing on the front, no buttons at all. The charger is 9V with a goofy 2 prong thing that goes into an adapter so I can plug it in the wall. Where you plug it in has a RED light. Also it is running Android 2.1, I can't seem to find any app market on it at all.