What tablet do i have? help


Apr 6, 2011
Sorry for being a noob, and yes this is my first tablet.
(i just have started to read threads about android and tablets.)

So ... i bought a tablet on ebay, it supposed to be haipad m701 , (it look like haipad m701, i gonna post later pics with it) i downloaded android system info , and i saw that the cpu is tcc8900 , 720 mhz. In settings at device info , at the model section it says MID .

So ... my question is how can i find out which tablet do i have ? ... which firmware can put on it ... and the questions can go on :)

ps: sorry if i post wrong

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Well, an M701 at the very least.
Without seeing a remote it's difficult to say if it is the -R or the bluetooth model, or one with neither.

If the memory card sticks out really far then you know it's from an earlier series.

I bought a -R for my first tablet, and while there have been some ups and downs and I picked up a Windows 7 Convertible, I haven't gotten rid of it yet.
It has been interesting working out how to make it faster, more stable, etc.

I hope yours works out for you.
mine isn`t a m701r couse i don`t have a remote. :p

mine works fine, a lilttle bit buggy but it is ok , the card isn`t sticking out , it goes perfectly in , ... i think it is a m701 althought , i doesn`t have a serial on the back .. and the button config is wrong the [] button isn`t home.
Hello , what can you tell me about this tablet, can i flash it with new rom - which one? What model it is? can iinstall driver or do somthing else to make it work with 3g modem huawei mf110?


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@donbarlone - no clue what that actual model is but I've seen those funky buttons on the back before. It appears to be one of a bunch of tablets derived from the Dawa D7 (which includes the Smartbook Surfer and Augen Gentouch 78) only with a different back panel on it. Generally the firmwares from one will work (to some extent) on another, but what actual hardware was included in any given derivative varies and flashing firmware can enable some features and disable others (and hopefully not completely disable the tablet altogether). You may want to look for info from Dawa D7, Smartbook Surfer, and Augen Gentouch 78 owners for tips that may also work on your tablet, as I'm pretty certain it is in that same family of devices.
@donbarlone - no clue what that actual model is but I've seen those funky buttons on the back before. It appears to be one of a bunch of tablets derived from the Dawa D7 (which includes the Smartbook Surfer and Augen Gentouch 78) only with a different back panel on it. Generally the firmwares from one will work (to some extent) on another, but what actual hardware was included in any given derivative varies and flashing firmware can enable some features and disable others (and hopefully not completely disable the tablet altogether). You may want to look for info from Dawa D7, Smartbook Surfer, and Augen Gentouch 78 owners for tips that may also work on your tablet, as I'm pretty certain it is in that same family of devices.

thank man , i install a clockwork recovery and finally i back up my sistem , but i don't manage to install 3g modem and use it , my tablet don't see it