Help : How to integrate tablet and POS printers?


Sep 7, 2012

Along with my friend, I am designing an interactive menu for restaurants and bars. Customers can access the menu from the tablet and order directly to the kitchen. Please find attached the Work-Flow Diagram.

I am looking for help in some areas.

1. Is there a way where I can integrate android tablet to wireless POS printers ?

2. What is the best android tablet ( bigger than 8" inch ) for this kind of app ?

3. Are there any cost effective POS printers available in the market just to print the order ?



  • $work_flow1.png
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Hi srinivas,
The first question I have to ask is why do you want to print? Another tablet in the kitchen can run a variation of the app to receive the order and display and control what needs to happen. Written correctly this could streamline the kitchen operations.

If you really want to be able to print, any tablet able to connect a bluetooth serial port device can connect a printer. Either a portable with inbuilt bluetooth, or a standard serial POS printer with a bluetooth to serial adaptor.

The print job on a POS printer can be a simple text string, or depending on the printer you could format the data to do more.
The easiest way to do this is to have a pre-created form you just slot your data into.