HELP!!! I have installed CWM and partitioned my internal sd card to be 1mb


Dec 25, 2012
the custom rom seems to be in a different partition

basically in settings>storage>

i have 2 internal sd storage 1 at 2gb and the other at 1mb

the device is a kyros mid9742 which is supposed to have 8gb internal

any ideas guys?

also the sd partition option on CWM is not there anymore
Welcome to I moved your thread to Coby Generation 3, where you're likely to get more responses.
the custom rom seems to be in a different partition

basically in settings>storage>

i have 2 internal sd storage 1 at 2gb and the other at 1mb

the device is a kyros mid9742 which is supposed to have 8gb internal

any ideas guys?

also the sd partition option on CWM is not there anymore

OK I will bite, why did you mess with internal sdcard?

I am thinking return the tablet, and don't do that again, but open to options.
Cos I'm a douchbag.....any ideas on how to quickly and easily unroot


I used mobiz v2 custom Rom and lost the ability to use internal sd card fir apps sucach as camera and downloads from emails attachments n stuff......and when inserting external sd card it would be recognized but not used for the above

So scoured forum and come across a post vampirefo was working on and installed a boot IMG appeared to fix my issue but noticed the internal storage was diminished.....and and that's when I tried to use cwm sd partition stuff
The only way to fix your internal sdcard is via Linux, if you knew and understood Linux you wouldn't be asking for help, so that rules that out.

to unroot

use es file manager set root navigate to /system/app delete Superuser.apk.

navigate to /system/bin delete su

navigate to /system/xbin delete su

settings > backup&reset > factory data reset