Hello everyone and thank you for looking here
I need some help on getting a nice tablet for my brother for christmas. He loves drawing his manga and i feel he draws SOO much he need shis own forrest for paper... And iv seen alot of nice Android apps for quick drawings. Anyway.. Im not 100% set on the size but i feel 10inchs would be a nice size for one, Any smaller and i feel it be to small to draw on. Also he loves playing piano so i felt it be nice for him to load sheet music on it and stuff you know to learn
kinda multitasking tablet. Price range.. well.. iv done alot of researching and i think he would be better off with a capative? touch pad and there ofc higher in price so probs £200 mark id say. Can probs stretch it alittle more
Thank you for any help you give would be amazing
(I also am very limited on sites to get one from.. only seen amazon atm :/ will try Aria, Ebuyer and others)
Thank you for any help you give would be amazing