Help: M701-R not going fully into update mode anymore


Jan 25, 2011
I own a HaiPad M701-R since a week or so.
My favorite app (2player) did not run so i wanted to flash newer firmware.
I picked the unofficial 2.2 update from from Dec 8, 2010.
i got my haipad device into update mode , followed instructions and got the screen green.
Happily i switched off the haipad, removed the usb cable, and booted again.
However, the device does not go beyond a new splash screen ('lovely butterfly').
Not happy of course, i wanted to reflash.
However, i dont get the device fully into update mode anymore.
it doesnt matter whether i use FWDN V2.10 or V2.13.
I come the farthest when i do this:
(unit connected with usb cable, switched off, using FWDN V2.13)
i hold the MENU (right) side of the rocker switch and switch the unit on.
The probing window appears with BOOT load complete.
what ever combination of rocker - frontbutton i try after that , the NAND window wont ungrey.

Does anybody have any ideas?
I see a youtube video in which a haipad is made updatable again by opening it and restting the NAND chip with a needle, but i'm not ready for that yet...
how much internal NAND memory do you have 2 or 4GB?
can you still get a ADB connection?
4gig, adb i hv not touched yet, i ve used the recommended fwdn tool so far..

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Damn, you have very probably flashed a firmware for the wrong NAND chip =(
the newer m701 pads come with a 4GB NAND chip made by 'Hynix' and the firmwares for that model are marked with 'HY' in the description.
If i try to flash one of those to my 2GB m701 i get a CRC error from FWDN and can not finish the flash.
I am surprised that it even let you finish the flash.

Have you tryed to disconect the pad completely (power & USB) before trying to flash? (sometimes i need to do that before FWDN is acessable)

On the 2GB m701 i can use ADB to push a backup of my boot.img
or kill it completely if i do that it boots directly into FWDN mode, no buttons required.
Damn, you have very probably flashed a firmware for the wrong NAND chip =(
the newer m701 pads come with a 4GB NAND chip made by 'Hynix' and the firmwares for that model are marked with 'HY' in the description.
If i try to flash one of those to my 2GB m701 i get a CRC error from FWDN and can not finish the flash.
I am surprised that it even let you finish the flash.

Have you tryed to disconect the pad completely (power & USB) before trying to flash? (sometimes i need to do that before FWDN is acessable)

On the 2GB m701 i can use ADB to push a backup of my boot.img
or kill it completely if i do that it boots directly into FWDN mode, no buttons required.

Yes, i was able to finish the flash: the probing window became green after downloading the 3 files..

Yes, i have disconnected the haipad completely (power & usb).

i've read a bit about ADB, but i do not see how i can push anything anymore into my pad at this stage.

i'm surprised that a succesful flash, from the official website, leaves me with a bricked device..
Hi harmjanb, I've teh same device (M701-R, HY, 4GB, non BT), and when I did try to flash HaiPad 2.2 FW, I had same problem than you.
For me helped this OffWorld tutorial
Once I recovered the boot, then I flash the lastest (the one released on 14/01/2011) HY FW from HaiPad page. (the FW released on 20/01/2010 is only for M701-R HY with Bluetooth).
Strange is that you got the green screen with the 2.2 FW. I've not got the green screen, the CRC check stop at the end, hangs and finally crash the desktop (Win7).
Hope this can help you.
thx aneto for the help.
the tutorials from Offworld are clear, but i don't reach a stage anymore where i'm able to flash: the AREA MAP/NAND area stays grey.
Somehow i cannot recover the boot..also not by pressing all 3 buttons (2 on top, 1 on front) simultaneously..
Success! after frantically trying several combinations of pressing and releasing the various buttons, i have my update mode back and restored my old firmware.
For others:
i disconnected the power connector, pressed top right, toggled the on/off switch to on, immediately pressed both top buttons and the front button.
I kept them pressed until the probing window isready and the NAND screen is ungreyed.
I'm not sure if disconnecting the power connector is important, but it worked for me.!

Now it's waiting for a decent 2.2 firmware update......
Thanks harmjanb, I was having the same problem trying to go back to 2.1 from the 22/3/11 2.2 firmware!