HELP Please


Apr 21, 2011
Help Please

so heres my idiocy i updated my 1.1 to 1.2 through CWM using Fuganators technique.

heres wat happening now i power on my G-Tablet normally it shows viewsnoic birds, tap n tap, tap n tap boot animation, trys loading up the interface and shuts down

or i boot into recovery mode n it auto installs Stock 1.2 again n the same thing happens.

so wat should i do boot into recovery let it power off n install everything n or just NVFlash it to 1.2 4349
Ok thanks Dave n I wasn't lucky I am still at 1.1N I have my eye on honeycomb alpha n the best way to reach 7.3

N the slatedroid forum had cool ideas I would like to try
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The above file should get you to 1.2bl from where you are. You must understand the instruction completely before trying, or you will brick your tablet. If you are successful, your tablet will be ready to flash HC without trouble.

Remember, baby steps. One step at a time.
Matt is a great instructor. If I am not around, or not understanding you, he surely would jump it to help if he has times.

Thanxs FOr the help n simple confused guidelines but is running Alpha7.2
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Nice. Glad to see you got it back up. Tell us how you like it.

Sent from my LG OP V using Tapatalk
confused on how to change boot animation

guidance would be great
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So what is your question ?

'I am confused' is a statement. It is neither a question, nor being specific to a possible question that follows it.

The links in post were provided to help you get started. Post specific questions in those links, such as 'I cannot understand this . . . . , could you provide more detail or an alternate explanation?', or 'I did this per this instruction item, and I ended up with this error . . . could you guide me to the right path?'

Avoid question such as 'I followed your instruction to a Tee, or to a letter, but it still does not work'. This is too generic and won't help others to trouble shoot the problem for you.

This is just a friendly suggestion and I wish you best of lucks in this endeavor.


Installing custom Boot Animations –
How To Change, Customize & Create Android Boot Animation [Guide]
Boot Logos (replace 2nd logo) Flashable with CWM -
[Guide] Creating and Flashing Custom Boot Logo's (Replace Viewsonic Logo) - [G-TABLET/ZPAD T2] -

P.S. If you really wanted to get into it, here is a chance to get started:
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