HELP?! Tablets are in Chinese... I Need them in English


Nov 30, 2011
I bought two of these (2GB New VIA 8650 Google Android 2.2 Flash Umpc 7" Epad WIFI 3G MID Tablet PC) for my children off ebay for Christmas. They arrived today and are entirely in Chinese (I think) The user manuals are half English half Chinese. I do not read nor speak Chinese. I cannot figure out how to change all language settings to English and I am in desperate need of help and guidance.

Here is the link for the item description:
eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices
1. Press the 'menu' button.
2. Select '设置' menu item.
3. 语言和键盘
4. 选择语言
5. English


from the Home screen:
Open Menu->Settings - the icon for this application should look like a cog or wheel or gears
Go to Language and Keyboard - the icon for this is the letter A, should look a little like a scrabble tile
I'm having the same problem, but my tablet is showing half English and half chinese. I went into settings and changed it, but there isno change. This is my first experience with android. I purchased two androids from amazon for my twin girls. I am attempting to get them set up and ready for games and books. They are:
Windows n50
2.3 android
1ghz rockfish
512 ram

Any suggestions would be helpful