Help. Top tips for removing the rear panel please - Whats the secret


Jan 13, 2013
Hi guys/gals,
Whats the trick for removing the rear panel to insert extra memory? I am at the "should I really be forcing a screwdriver in this hard stage".
Unless one of you jokers has been to my home and glued it down lol


Luckily, I didn't have such a nightmare with mine. There are 2 little tabs sticking up.. I sat the tablet face down on my desk, then took both of my thumbs one on each tab, and pressed up on them. Kinda like taking the back off of a remote to change the batteries.. It should slide off. I've heard others who used an exacto knife to pop it off.. Sorry you're having such a problem with it.

Best of luck, let us know when you get it off.
Luckily, I didn't have such a nightmare with mine. There are 2 little tabs sticking up.. I sat the tablet face down on my desk, then took both of my thumbs one on each tab, and pressed up on them. Kinda like taking the back off of a remote to change the batteries.. It should slide off. I've heard others who used an exacto knife to pop it off.. Sorry you're having such a problem with it.

Best of luck, let us know when you get it off.

Yay, she's off. thanks for the advice. thought that those little ears were some sort of stand to let the sound out of the speakers, hadn't tried pressing othem.
Cheers again,

if only I could stop my fingers bleeding now......
It is ridiculous that this is so poorly documented. I did not know about the thumb tabs and it was nerve wracking to take the cover off. Even using tabs, a rigid plastic snap together design is not intended for frequent use IMO. Especially one that is covered by most decent cases. I have pretty much accepted that it is a system upgrade and not general purpose removable media. I use a dongle and USB drive for that. OTOH, you really can't set up much on the system to use all that extra storage automatically.
It is ridiculous that this is so poorly documented. I did not know about the thumb tabs and it was nerve wracking to take the cover off. Even using tabs, a rigid plastic snap together design is not intended for frequent use IMO. Especially one that is covered by most decent cases. I have pretty much accepted that it is a system upgrade and not general purpose removable media. I use a dongle and USB drive for that. OTOH, you really can't set up much on the system to use all that extra storage automatically.

Yeah, I agree with the space issue, I'm just going to us it for films/music etc. Sweet now it is in though. However, micro usb drive that didnt need a dongle/otg cable, now that would be cool. Just something the size of the connector itself....
You are talking about the panel on the camera right?

I don't suggest prying the panel out. You can try to put the screen side facing down, lockscreen button facing yourself, and then use your both left hand and right hand index finger (possibly middle finger too) inside the speaker gaps. Hold the side of your tablet with your thumbs (be careful not to hold the panel instead of the side, this way you will never pull the panel out since), and then pull it out in the direction towards yourself. I know this is a terrible explanation, but you can try to understand what i mean :) So basically you are pulling the panel out by pulling the speaker gaps.