help with coby 8042

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Nov 23, 2012
Hello guys i got a problem so its started when i flashed my coby 8042 then the touchscreen didnt work so i tried to look for solutions , ended up on 7042 mv_ bootloader so i accidentally flashed it with my 8042 and now the screen size, touchscreen has a issue. Can someone help me i got backup of dump file with tgz but i tried root utility restore not working can anyone help me thanks in advance. :)
please close this thread already fixed the issue thanks again with vampireinfo and traveller :)
Will great if you could share the info and any link that how you solved the problem as it could be reference for others in future.
Will great if you could share the info and any link that how you solved the problem as it could be reference for others in future.

After i fixed the issue i already created the thread so that i can help people with windows based os. So that they can use adb shell easily without downloading large files that is not needed. :)


Sorry if i need to create another thread i just want people to see the post quickly and help them: )
Great and thanks for the info.

As requested. Thread Closed
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