Help with Coby Kryos MID7015 rooting

Dec 4, 2011
Help! I'm totally new to this tablet stuff and need your help. My wife bought me a Coby Kryos MID7015 a few months ago, after messing with it for a few days I lost intrest because I really couldn't get it to do anything other than a slideshow or look at a few videos on youtube. Today I decided to try to figure it out. When I first got it I did the update available at Cobyusa. com but nothing more. Today I found a youtube video about "rooting" that said that it would make the thing better. I've tried to follow the step by step video but after downloading the "andexplorer 1.9" file manager and opening it to the "sdcard root" there is no z4root, update, term, gapps,... nothing like on the youtube video. What an I doing wrong? Is all this really neccesary? All I really want it to be able to download and read a book, maybe a tv show or the news. I can't even find a good place to get a good book from a known author. Can ya help?:eek:
Hi jasonchambers17,

Welcome to the board, glad you joined us here, we have a lot of people who can help. I am not proficient enough with the device yet to be of any use though. I am purchasing a 1125 (most likely) in the near future for my husband, just waiting on a after Christmas sale. ;) I am not sure that video from daprospector works on the 7015 or not, I know that it doesn't work for all the cobys, so hopefully a mod can move this to the Coby forum and someone can help there. Hope you get it working smoothly soon, I know it's possible so don't give up on it. :)