Haptic feedback. Like it? Lets you know when you are touching on certain parts of the gui. You knew that? Well, what do you do when you LP2's goes to the crapper and when you press on the home button and others, it sounds like an electric sjhaver? Just started! No, I didn't dkrop it or do anything to cause it. It started on it's own. Yes, I know how to turn off feedback. It's just kinda annoying. If I even thought about sending this to service for this problem or any for that matter, I'm afraid I would never get it back. I just got done reading some comments on the net from peoplenwho sent theirs in two months ago and are still waiting to getthem back. One user quotes Lepan as stating there is a major backlog of unrepaired units and that is the reason for delays. Come on!,,, If ICS is any indication of how bass ackward they are. Man... And I am already tired of the moderator basically telling us to put up with it. Sure, who likes a whiner, but come on. And if we're going to have a forum we have a right to our oppinion. With that said... any ideas on a fix without having to open this thing?