WiFi solution? Just a thought

I will get around to that test someday. In the mean time I just watched 5 xda TV videos in HD using the Youtube app. Score 4-1 four videos played flawlessly(including nine minute auraslate unboxing). one buffered at least five times before the video finished. It is not that unpleasant when sassi bob freezes for a few seconds.

I think the fact that wi fi fixer screws up my connection is an indication that the connection is unstable. Still, over all my user experience is excellent for the most part.
Have any of the custom roms for lp1or 2 improved wi fi for those that were having serious issues?
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Have any of the custom roms for lp1or 2 improved wi fi for those that were having serious issues?

For the Le Pan 1, CM7 is currently built using an older factory firmware as the base, the early December 2011 build. I have asked cas_xp to switch to the newest, leaked version for the base, and he did try for Beta 4, but there were some issues, he had to leave it as is. Resulting in the working but not satisfactory wifi I currently have. It looked really good at first try - when you see 12 Mb/s from a device that typically does 8 Mb/s average. Wow!!

It does die quickly though - not sure what stops the transfer, but the screw up is at the tablet's end, as Wifi Fixer kicks in, detecting a dead connection and trying to reset it.

Haven't tried the second Alpha of MIUI which dbaybay released, as I was mid way thru an eBook when he put it out - did not want to stop it (Steve Jobs bio, great book.)

For the Le Pan II - I haven't seen comments from users, but the init.d scripts are the BEST chance of getting some improvement imo, as they pass parameters to the linux kernel directly. This would allow for increased TCP send and receive buffers, for example, which is essential for heavier/faster use.

Still, nobody peeped about it. :(
One reason I have remained stock. I haven't really seen any rave comments about improved performance. Mostly " help I'm stuck!"
that link works for me. maybe you havevto register with lepanlife to see it.