Herotab M8

I have tested to update to FW 1.2 test version.
And i updated with no problems. But there is no
gps fix in that version as i can confirm. Please
give me an link of the FW 1.1 so i can test this also.

Regards Kali
I flashed my Herotab M8 with the Gingerbread v1.0 RC2 firmware. Had some trouble to flash the device from 'update-um2801-1.0-4G-signed' to the new one. The flash process hang on the 'kernel' section but after flashing it back to v0.9.8 and trying it again it completed the flash process without errors.
Same bugs as previous versions, overall feels smoother, but no significant advance. Waiting for official gingerbread firmware:(
need HELP with a HEROPAD C8

Wifi continues to shut off ofter about 20 seconds i've heard several people with issue but no resolve
my tablet is not rooted and also the ip and mac address shows as unavailable
i've changed the sleep setting and changed the compatibility but the issue remains does anyone know what can be done???


Same bugs as previous versions, overall feels smoother, but no significant advance. Waiting for official gingerbread firmware:(

Well, first the good news - there is an official update called um2801-GB-1.0-4G, and even one more 1.1 who is supposed to fix some 3G problems...but...
and now for the bad news... read the message I posted on the Russian forum:

I would like to share my experience and a problem regarding the new firmware. And the short story is - don't do it, or later you might not be able to revert back to Android 2.2
After I successfully upgraded to the latest firmware packed with Android 2.3.4 I stumbled upon the same problems as you guys... cannot root the device, Market constantly crashing and that was more then enough reason for me to revert back to the latest really stable version the beta 1 firmware packed with Froyo.

And then the surprise- after reverting back to Android 2.2 my Internal Device Storage says it has total of 0.00kb of available space. This means that:
1. The revert process probably left some ghost files behind
2. I cannot install any applications
3. The tablet is useless


So... I promptly upgraded it again with the latest firmware... and here it is 1.36GB of free available space in the Internal Storage Device
Back to 2.2... and again it's 0.00kb

So... do you by any means know a remedy for this behavior ? Is there a safe way to wipe the internal memory to factory settings, but without the chances of bricking the device ?
Please help a desperate man...

Oh and one more question. Did any of you guys ever tried to connect the tablet to a TV using the HDMI port? Any luck?

Well, the same questions apply here. Can any of you help a desperate man?
Well my experience so far with the new firmware. I managed to root the device using SupeoneClick v2.3.3 from http://shortfuse.org. Market 3.4.4 crashes with the new build, i had to unistall all market updates and go back to original version. Although i did that some apps didnt show in market. To resolve this i used LCD Density Modder from market to change Density. That way almost all apps show but resolution of the tablet is way too small. I cant play flash, as youtube keeps loading and gps doesnt work. Location from wifi networks doesnt work and its strange that in the menu there is no About Phone-->Status where we can see mac address. That way google maps always show my location somewhere in africa:p.