Hi From Spain!


Jul 25, 2012
Hello guys! I'm just following your steps to introduce myself to the forum.

I just bought an Asus Transformer Infinity in the US and my brother is bringing it to Spain in a week or so. Therefore, I'm quite impacient and reading everything I can to take advantage of my tablet the moment is in my hands; furthermore, is my first tablet and I wanted to know what awesome things I'll be able to do with it.


Sir Moo.
Hello Sir Moo, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. In particular, be sure to read http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...-one-guide-how-start-your-android-tablet.html before using your new Transformer for the first time. The forum for your particular tablet is Asus TF700 Forum if you have any questions specific to your tablet. Enjoy the forum and your new tablet!:)