Hi to You All


Dec 7, 2012
Hi there. I have just bought a Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 my very first ever 'tablet'. I am very impressed with it. It does far more than I expected it to do. I went cautiously to the store to take a look at one. Although the store was packed and the computer/tablets were all being tried by the crowd the 'Samsung' demonstrator/engineer was free and he showed me around his Note 10.1 out of the way of the crowd. I have a Sony Vaio laptop which I have owned for eight years now and I was looking to upgrade/replace so I thought a tablet was the way to go. Glad I did as the Note comes with a £50 cash back deal which I can retrieve in a couple of months time and does more than I thought it would. I have ordered a SanDisc 32GB micro memory card and a leather case/stand (from the internet at a great price).

I may be asking some stupid questions soon so please be patient with me. Regards DD :D
Welcome to the forum Dave. Be sure to check here for more into on the Nexus 10. You got a nice tablet for your first one.
Hi Dave, congratulations on your new Galaxy Note 10.1 and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.