Honeycomb on Sylvania tablet


Senior Member
Dec 26, 2010
Honeycomb on Sylvania tablet - Possibility to boot from SD card?

The BETA_3 update to 2.2 has provided some added benefits and an update to 2.3 is promised from Digital Gadgets, but what about leaping ahead to Honeycomb 3.0?

Other forums have had success porting the Honeycomb 3.0 SDK to a bootable SD card image for their devices, giving them a Honeycomb experience while retaining the original firmware on the internal memory.

We know from the manual upgrade process that it possible to boot the tablet from an SD card. We have the tools to create the boot SD card and also now know some of the file system offsets. Thus we could determine how to partition an SD card to mirror the internal system structure.

What do we need (besides dedicated experienced developers willing to devote time to this tablet) to create a bootable SD card to run Honeycomb off the SD slot?

Anyone up to the challenge?

Here's an example of a SD card partitioned to mirror the internal memory blocks with each partition holder part of the OS.

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Im not a dev, but im definetly a willing guinnea pig..... Ill help anyway I can. I have the model
Hey, me too pls let me know if i also can help too

Sent from my Sytabex7 Tablet