How bad is it?

Well, while I shouldn't be whining about <$100 tablet but... like they say: with Flytouch you get what you pay for.
With original firmware it was so slow and choppy that it was barely usable. Custom firmware made it a bit better but still when you scroll it either not responding or scroll too far. Frustrating! Mostly use for ebooks (tap to turn page)
Also WIFI works maybe half the time.
So if you have very low expectations or cant afford anything more expensive it's ok I guess but it's a horrible gift for someone who for example saw iPad and wants something similar. They will be very disappointed.

I see your point, you definately cannot compare it with an ipad... but maybe my low expectations at the beginning made me really like that device! Iuse it pretty much for surfing, tv guide and some games and I also watched some movies on it. Personally I like that I can connect USB keyboard and use it like a little PC. I uploaded and edited my own personally website with that thing and so I have to say it is very useful. Unfortunately it lacks some "killer-apps" so that one could call it an entertainment station, but e.g. for younger kids it is great, my daughter loves all that kids connect the dots stuff ;)