How can charge game to my tablet from laptop???


Jan 26, 2014

Im a newbie on this matter and I wnat to know if I can download games to my laptop and after charge them on my dopo tablet.

I just try but when I paste the game to tablet and open the game folder of the tablet it doesnt show me empty this folder, ?????

I'll really appreaciatted your help on this matter
Welcome top the forum

Where exactly are you purchasing these games, the WEB site?

Thanks for your answer. I download game from
Last edited by a moderator:
I had to edit that link as it would not be an approved source based on the forum guidelines. The file should have been in an APK format. If you set (in security) your tablet to allow installation from unknown sources, mail it to yourself and tap the attachment. Had you gone to a standard site like Amazon or the Google Store it would have installed it for you. Not fully understanding what you did, mailing it is the best suggestion I have.