How can i change my user name

How apropos. LS can always be counted on for the visuals :D

This is quickly becoming my favorite thread.
We are getting more and more creative here,don't forget to keep a little of your creative spirit for your nook so you can take a great screenshot for my thread.
I got the right name, a little long though

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Awesome. Just awesome. I'm with J5 this is def my new favorite thread. Unfortunately I am still unable to take screenshots to add to your wonderful thread. That is unless someone running CM7tt can point me in the direction of a different screen cap app. Currently failing with Drocap.

BTW Gloria I love idontknow, but maybe something simple like nowido....
Darmeen, what. does TUFKAIDK mean?

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It looks like a lot of us don’t have time to sleep!

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I got it : NIK (now I know. ) Is a nice short name and only who knows me knows what it means. So is a kind of double meaning- secret name.

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