well I found it accidentally while searching on the web some topics related with tablet world. What call my attention was the fact your staff seems to understand very well this topic about tablet and offer it in a simple writing way. Congrats to all of you.
I gota new tablet for the first time never had one before in fact I told people i did not want one and now i have 1 and its in Chinese the instructions so I Googled for help
I was surfing the web looking for information about tablets in general, and specifically about the Coby 7 as offered by Amazon. I ordered the Coby 7 with 8gb, and 1gb of ram. I had looked around the local stores, but all the tablets were expensive, and did not have both a USB port and a micro SD slot. The Coby has both, so I ordered it. I should get it within a week or less. By the time I understand the Coby, I'll know what to get if I decide on a more expensive one. I believe that this Android site is a fast track for learning about tablets.