(How To) Boot Loop Recovery After Installing ClockworkMod Recovery


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
There is a known boot loop issue when installing ClockworkMod Recovery (CWR) version on a Nook that was rooted from B&N software 1.1 using autonooter v3.

To avoid this boot loop you should use the latest version of ROM Manager from the Market. Once you have installed ROM Manager from the Market choose "Flash ClockworkMod Recovery" and then choose Nook Color (not old) and REBOOT once the flash is complete.

However, since you are here, you most likely installed CWR and now can't boot into your Nook to get to ROM Manager. These are the recovery instructions for that and only that senario.

Download this file (CWR 3.0.1 or newer) cwmr_3.0.1.0.zip

Power your Nook down by holding the power button until it turns off.
Remove your SD card and place it in your PC or card reader.
Copy the file you down loaded above in the root directory of your SD card (not in any folder)
Instert the SD card into your Nook and hold the power and n buttons at the same time for 5-8 seconds to boot into recovery (CWR).

Once you boot into CWR do the following from the menu choices:

-wipe cache partition
-advanced > -Wipe Dalvik Cache (you may want to use the power button to back out now and then go back in this helps some people avoid the dalvik freeze). If you freeze after this step hold the power button until you power off then reboot into recovery by holding power and n for 5-8 seconds again.
-install zip from sdcard
-choose zip from sdcard
select the CWR 3.0.1 zip file you saved to SD card and then yes.

It should run a little program and tell you it is installing the CWR version you downloaded above and placed on your SD card. Once done it should bring you back to the menu.

Use the power button to back out to the main menu. Select -reboot system now and you should boot into Nook as usual.
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Nice post, JP. You might want to sticky this one for those poor souls who find theirselves in this position.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
I have Android 2.3 on my Color Nook and CWR 3.0.28. It suddenly started looping during boot. It gets to the place where the Android man is displayed, and then displays "Android Col" and loops there.

Despite your admonition, I tried installing cwmr_3.0.0.zip, but it did nothing.

So I am stuck. Is there a way I can reinstall the whole CyanogenMod system?

Thanks for any help,
I have Android 2.3 on my Color Nook and CWR 3.0.28. It suddenly started looping during boot. It gets to the place where the Android man is displayed, and then displays "Android Col" and loops there.

Despite your admonition, I tried installing cwmr_3.0.0.zip, but it did nothing.

So I am stuck. Is there a way I can reinstall the whole CyanogenMod system?

Thanks for any help,

Yes, you can install CM7 from scratch. First get the latest version of ClockworkMod Recovery (CWR) you and find and save teh zip file to a micro sd card. Then get the copy of CM7 you want to use along with the latest GApps and save those zip files to the same card.

1. Clear the cache and dalvik cache then flash the new CWR zip file. I would then select reboot from the CWR menu and see if you boot loop is broken. If it is do a nornal reboot (not into recovery) and this should set it.

2. Boot into recovery. Clear the cache and davlek cache and then flash the CM7 zip file. Next flash the GApps zip file. Reboot and you should be into a fresh CM7 install.